Education is our passport to the future. Tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today!
Our specially designed curriculums focus on the holistic development of our kids. We focus on every child’s physical and gross motor development, fine motor skills, sensory development, self help methods,language development , cognitive development, emotional development and social development. We strongly believe in our motto that, Education is our passport to the future and tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.
We do not believe in teaching but in creating a conducive learning environment that every child can bloom in . from the traditional syllabi to the most modern topics, everything is done in a fun manner.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
We are the supporters of the many areas of artistic expression. Our integrated curriculums ensure that our students are free to express themselves in the fields of music, dance and art. Specially designed activities help our learners to develop their intellectual and fine motor skills.
We have the most awarded integrated curriculum inspired by Maria Montessori,Waldorf, John Dewey, Multiple Intelligence & Playway methodologies.
At Little Legends we believe that learning is a life long process and it should be filled with wondrous moments.
It is a time when tremendous social. emotional, physical and intellectual developments happen in children. We follow an integrated curricula for the holistic development of our Robians. Little Legends is home away from home where our young ones develop good learning habits and positive self esteem.
With a great vision of transforming their lives, we have five learning groups to mould them as leaders of the future.